Thursday, November 18, 2010

Full Posture and Modifications

In Supta Padangusthasana there are many different poses for this Asana. You can use a strap but still keeping the leg straight. You can stick the leg out while keeping it straight. There is also a strap version for when you stick out your leg. The most common modification is with the strap but also raising your head to you knee to open up your hamstring (see video). The full pose is with a straight leg and you grab your foot and pull you straight leg all the way to your face while laying down in Tadasana

To get in and out of Supata Padangusthasana
1. Lay down in Tadasana and have the strap loosely wrapped around one foot.
2. Pull the strap tightly around the menatarsal and lift the leg keeping it straight as straight as possible.
3. Hold this pose for five breathes slowing inching your leg closer and closer to your head.
4. Lower leg and repeat with other leg.
5. After both legs rise up into standing Tadasana. 

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